Trusted Safety for All.

Staff and Student safety has never been easier to deploy or more affordable.

Quiet down, class!

To keep students safe, we don’t disclose out education partners.

Safety made simple.

Checking in to a location? Hit “Check in”.

Want to send an alert to your team? Tap “Team Alert”.

Need some real assistance? Tap “Emergency”.

Even though Duress has a lot of power and smarts under the hood, it is designed from the ground up to be simple.

Upgrade as Needed.

Many schools and Universities have an immediate need to protect a segment of their staff, and Duress lets you grow your user base organically as needed.

Duress is also designed to be upgraded when you need.

You can start with the app on your staff phones, and if you need to upgrade to another device, such as Falcon, you can simply move your Duress license from your phone to the watch.

Duress gives your team simple, affordable and flexible protection.

Education Qualifies for Government Pricing.

Our tender-winning service has been awarded all-of-government pricing, which has been extended to include schools and universities.

This means there are no volume discounts, as all academic organisations receive reduced tender pricing from the very start, from 1 user all the way to 10,000 users.

Duress is not only the most advanced solution, it is also the most affordable.

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Best-in-Class Technology.

Duress designs and develops all of our software and hardware here in Australia, using cutting edge technology to provide the most effective, reliable and speedy safety tools to your team.

Safety Bubble.

Duress creates a safety bubble around your location, giving you real time data on alerts and emergencies, as well as real time automated check-ins.

These allow staff and students to get real time help, either through your existing security centre or Duress Operations Centre, all at a fraction of the cost of any other system.

You can choose to expand the bubble for certain staff to keep them safe while commuting, working remotely or on excursions.

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A1 ASIAL Grade Monitoring.

Education requirements are different to regular safety requirements, and Duress is powered by our 24/7, A1 ASIAL graded monitoring centre.

The Duress Operations Centre is running 24/7, with redundant power and communications and is backed by a second centre located elsewhere in Australia.

For institutions with internal security, Duress seamlessly plugs into your existing security service, saving on monitoring expenses.

Built for Education.

Duress is designed to accomodate the intricacies of schools, including onboarding, registration, security and accessibility. Many institutions have critical issues that need to work with any software solution, including SSO and staff churn.

Duress is designed to be set-and-forget, allowing the education sector to keep their staff and students safe, without tying up their IT departments.

Access All-Of-Government Pricing.

Duress has been awarded all-of-government pricing, including a piggy-back clause for educational institutions.

This means schools, universities and TAFEs all access reduced pricing, from one to 100,000 users.